
Work bujo
Work bujo

work bujo

work bujo

If you've always admired fitness gurus and flawless bullet journals, now is a great time to start and combine the two! We asked BuJo expert Louise Chai (better known online as Doodlelou) to share a step-by-step guide to create your very own bullet journal. Exercise, for example, can be especially hard to keep up, but you might find the NHS Couch to 5K challenge gets you moving week by week.

work bujo

If you struggle to stay motivated when trying something new, bullet journaling might be a good way to keep your habits on track. Using coded bullet points or colour keys to mark your progress, you can set goals, plan meals, make to-do lists, track moods and habits, or simply record your thoughts and feelings in a way that's efficient and unique to you. Simply put, a bullet journal (sometimes shortened to BJo or BuJo) can be anything you want it to be - and, for most people, it's an effective life planner. April and more spring weather are so close, I can’t wait.The trend has taken social media by storm in recent years, but what exactly is a bullet journal? Wishing you a good start to your week and wrapping up March. New ink and pen stamps from 36 Sublo and a new Fountain Pen stamp from Beverly Inks Companion. I paired this ink with new stamps I just got from Desk Gems. This is just a stunning pure blue ink and is inspired by the California coasts. This will also be available on April 6th. I am using the other new color from Ferris Wheel Press, called “Blue Yosemite Falls”. This week I am sticking with a very fountain pen inspired theme. The last thing I added is a weekly layout in my Bullet Journal. It’s a stunning ink and it will be available April 6th. Blue-gray ink base with red sheen and gold shimmer. It’s from their Ferritales collection and is inspired by Cinderella. This month I used a new ink coming to Ferris Wheel Press called “Glistening Glass”. It works for how I function without going too deep with a lot of trackers or extras that I am not going to use. I have been really enjoying this traditional layout. I also set up my monthly overview inside of my Bullet Journal. I find that re-writing helps me commit these to memory. I also take these items and prioritize them in my weekly spreads. It gives me clear focus on the top level things I want to do over these next 2-weeks into April. In my Task Planner, I have been working off 2-week sprints. You never know what could happen in a weeks time 🙂.

Work bujo full#

I like to give myself a full months view. I also am revisiting my intentions and will wrap up my reflections on the month at the end of this week. In my Bullet Journal, I like to also look back and document and capture anything that I have forgotten and want to remember. I am also migrating all of my previous weeks undone tasks to this week and setting clear prioritizes for myself. It’s something that I want to find balance with in my Bullet Journal I have really enjoyed having a clear plan ahead calendar and the weeks already here for adding things quickly. This Appointed Yearly Task Planner has been a truly amazing tool for me this year. Before kicking off a new month, I like to take a look back and make sure that I accomplished all of my priority goals for the month.

Work bujo