
Nova totivs terrarvm orbis meaning
Nova totivs terrarvm orbis meaning

nova totivs terrarvm orbis meaning

Decorative bordersīlaeu’s world map is framed on all sides by decorative borders: A note beside Nova Zembla states that it was reached by Barentsz in 1596. A large terra australis is shown in the South. The Le Maire Straits separating Tierra del Fuego from South America is introduced in this fourth state. California is correctly depicted an as a peninsula. There is some confusion about the coastline of Northeast America, maybe due to Indianb reports on large bodies of water inland. 1492 by Christopher Colombus in the name of the king of Castille and given the name by Amerigo Vespucci in 1499’. The centre of North America is taken up by a large oval cartouche containing a Latin text, here in translation: ‘America. Because of the smaller size of the folio map, fewer toponyms are given and the number of legends has also been reduced. The geographic content is identical to that of the 1606/07 wall map. The fourth state was included in Blaeu’s 1630 Appendix and in all of the Blaeu family’s atlases, except the Atlas maior. The third state is with the Strait of Le Maire added (1618) and this fourth state is with the name of the publisher changed to ‘Blaeuw’. The second state has the signature of the engraver Josua Van den Ende. The first state (1606) bears the name Gulielmus Ianssonius.

nova totivs terrarvm orbis meaning

It is probable that Van den Ende engraved only the geographic content, while someone else was responsible for the decoration. The original 1606 state does not mention an engraver, but from the second state onward the name of Josua van den Ende appears on the map. Iansonius 1606 = the old name of Willem Blaeu). Blaeuw (in the first state, it was signed Gul. The map’s dedication to the wealthy Amsterdam merchant and administrator Cornelis Pietersz Hooft (1547-1626) is now signed: Guilj. Because of the projection chosen, the areas north and south of the 50th degree of latitude are drawn in two hemispheres in the lower corners.

nova totivs terrarvm orbis meaning

The title in capitals runs along the upper edge within the map image. Eventually Joan Blaeu, in his Atlas Maior (1662-64), replaced the world map made by his father with a new map. Apparently, purchasers preferred a decorative map of the world to a map that provided up-to-date geographical knowledge. For many years, this map remained in atlases published by the Blaeu family, in spite of the increasing geographical knowledge then available (only the discovery of the Strait of Le Maire was added to later states).

nova totivs terrarvm orbis meaning

While Blaeu was in the process of publishing his four-sheet wall map of the world on Mercator’s projection, a world map in folio size using the same projection was issued by his publishing house. Shirley 406.Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Success of a map "For accuracy according to the knowledge of their time, magnificence of presentation and richness of decoration, the Dutch maps of the 17th century have never been surpassed" (Tooley, Maps and Map-Makers p. Cartographically, the map is largely based on Joan Blaeu's 1648 grand wall map of the world. "It can be regarded as the master forerunner of a number of highly decorative Dutch world maps produced throughout the remainder of the century" (Shirley). Visscher's magnificent Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula is one of the most decorative world maps. (Minor splitting at top and bottom of fold, very slight darkening.) Matted, framed and glazed. Surmounted by north and south polar projections with contemporary fully colored border decoration of mythological scenes, drawn by the Dutch painter Nicolaes Berchem and depicting Zeus and Neptune in chariots, the rape of Persephone and Demeter receiving the fruits of the earth. Amsterdam: 1658.Įngraved double-hemisphere map of the world, outline colored by a contemporary hand, image 470 x 554 mm (522 x 626 mm sheet). Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula.

Nova totivs terrarvm orbis meaning