
Bernie sanders anaconda video
Bernie sanders anaconda video

bernie sanders anaconda video

"It was a question for me of just basic justice - the fact that it was not acceptable in America at that point that you had large numbers of African-Americans who couldn't vote, who couldn't eat in a restaurant, whose kids were going to segregated schools, who couldn't get hotel accommodations living in segregated housing," he told the Burlington Free Press. In 1963 he participated in the March on Washington. He also served as an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. As a member of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Sanders participated in a sit-in against the segregation of off-campus housing in 1962. Sanders became involved in the Civil Rights Movement during his university days. After a year there, he transferred to the University of Chicago. Sanders attended Brooklyn's James Madison High School and then went on to Brooklyn College. That was the major inspiration in my politics." Sanders also counts American socialist leader Eugene V. As he told the Guardian newspaper, "I saw unfairness.

bernie sanders anaconda video

As part of a struggling working-class family, Sanders recognized early on America's economic disparity. He grew up in Brooklyn as the youngest of two sons of Jewish immigrants from Poland. Independent politician Bernie Sanders was born on September 8, 1941, in New York. The Vermont senator launched another presidential campaign in 2019, but again came up short in his bid for the Democratic nomination. He announced his plans to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2015, ultimately sparking a huge progressive movement, before conceding the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Senate in 2006 and was reelected in 2012. He then moved on to the national political arena by winning a seat in the House of Representatives, distinguishing himself as one of the country's few independent legislators. Born in 1941, politician Bernie Sanders started out his political career as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, serving four terms as the leader of the state's biggest city from 1981 to 1989.

Bernie sanders anaconda video