In front of cameras, the Canadian actor can be found in TV series such as General Motors Presents, Startime, Quest and Playdate or films like Oedipus Rex (1957), Twelfth Night (1964) and the title role in Henry V (1966).

HAL 9000 with Rain's voice brought calm and humanity to a machine that seemed perfect in all possible ways in contrast to the robotic and lifeless astronauts of whom he shares company outer space. The rest is history: Rain won the role despite being an almost unknown actor with few theatre and TV film/series roles on his resume but Kubrick's choice turned out to be the perfect one. But Kubrick wanted something with an extra-quality and his description to an assistant of what he wanted was to find him an actor who could have an intelligent, sincere and disarming voice with some friendly quality. What most people don't know is that he wasn't the first choice of Stanley Kubrick for voicing the most famous robot voice of all time: Kubrick had in mind using the voice of more famous and established actors such as Martin Balsam, Jason Robards and Walter Pidgeon (just to name a few). Cinema lovers and sci-fi fans will always remember the great Douglas Rain not exactly by his face but specially because of his vocal talents that brought him attention and eternity in the cinema world as the soothing voice of computer HAL 9000 in the classic 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and its sequel 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984).